When a California court issues a youngster support “order,” it’s an order, and it can be enforced by the court. Nevertheless, delinquency on child support payments is commonplace in California and across the country. In 2011, $14.3 billion in child assist remained unpaid in the United States. In 2012, the Census Bureau determined that only 41.2 percent of custodial parents receive the full amount of assistance owed by ex-spouses. However, California law offers several ways to enforce child support orders. If you need to have a child support order enforced, speak at once with an experienced Orange County family law attorney. A good family law attorney can use a variety of legal tools to win justice for parents and children who rely on court-ordered child support payments.
California courts use a mathematical formula to decide what the monthly amount of a youngster support payment should be. A court considers the incomes of both parents, the number of children, and the amount of time children spend with the parents, as well as taxes and other pertinent financial information. If your ex-spouse has been ordered to pay you child assist and you are not receiving it, speak to an Orange County family law attorney and get the help you need. In many cases, a family law attorney can help you take legal actions including but not limited to wage garnishments, bank account levies, intercepting tax refunds, and having the delinquent parent charged with contempt of court.
However, drastic legal measures are not always required. A good family law attorney may also be able to help you by acting as a mediator or negotiator; in many cases, an agreement acceptable to both sides can often be achieved without hostility or legal force. If you’re a parent who is not receiving the child support payments that you should be receiving, speak at once with an experienced Orange County family law attorney.